In 2023 if you want motivation, it is at your fingertips. In a matter of seconds you can have a plethora to pick from by social media, podcast, and books. It's amazing that we have so many platforms to choose from to change our mindsets, inspire us, and strengthen our spirits if needed. We can follow, save our favorites, and share little reels of joy to others.
As much as we love our personal go- too favorites for motivation. I think we often forget that our spirits are our biggest motivators of all. We have this innate ability to go into this Rocky Balboa energy to help us get through life events that want to knock us out. Through our little life stressors to events that make us question will I survive. Our spirits immediately spring into action sending us encouragement that, you got this.
I think we often forget how much strength and power resides insides us. We are reminded throughout our life by events and experiences that tend to leave us feeling alone or isolated. It is in those seasons, we begin to lean into our sanctuary within and listen to our spirit helping us to get up and keep going. Even though no one wants to go through hardships, it is in those times that we are beautifully reminded, we are connected to something much bigger then ourselves.
There was a season in my life, my husband was struggling with addiction. During that time I was trying to run a business', be a mom, and do all the other adulting things. I didn't have anyone to talk to about what I was going through and it was a very isolating time for me. It was during that time though I was reminded of this inner strength that lived inside of me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't dealing with other emotions of anger and resentment. However that time taught me, God made our spirits strong and resilient .
When we look back at history and the beautiful souls that came before us. They didn't have the outlets of motivation we have in today's society. History has shown us some people didn't have seasons of hardships but their whole life was hard. All they had was their spirit to fall back on to give them strength to endure what life threw at them.
Nelson Mandela once said, Do not judge me by my success, judge me how many times I fell down but got back up again. We have times in our lives our loved ones know we are struggling and other times they do not. However, you do. The next time you are start to look for motivation remember how many times you have pulled yourself through a tough time. The strength of your spirit will always be your best influencer.