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Life is Not an Instant Pot

Instant Pots are glorious, aren't they? It has the ability to quickly cook foods that typically take a long time in a stove or oven. I think we can all agree we are for anything that helps put food on the table faster as busy as our lives have turned into in today's society.

With that being said, I want to discuss my thoughts on how everything in our lives cannot be instant. The thought can sound very appealing at first to anyone. I would be lying if I said I didn't have thoughts of it not sounding appealing to me. I have gotten frustrated several times in my life about things not happening in an instant. Furthermore, if I want to be completely transparent with you, part of my struggles with my relationship with God throughout my life is why he made me wait on things or not answered my prayers instantly.

In today's society besides the instant pot, we are continuously having things being invented or views being adjusted to make life easier and faster. Our phones for example, have pretty much made everything at our fingertips. The internet at this point has made me often make jokes, why do we need school anymore. Have you thought about how many times a day you pick your phone up to google something for an instant answer?

Our great grandparents and the people before them didn't have any of these things. An instant pot, a phone that did everything, tv apps for everything you could ever watch and morals that were not blurred. Everything was harder for them, yet my great grandparents lived to be in their late nineties. They were farmers. As many of our great grandparents and grandparents were. They were up by sun and didn't go inside until dark. If they were going to make money or eat, they had to work for it. It sounds horrible, doesn't it? Except the only memories I have of them was contentment.

As for myself, I can say my life has not been an instant pot either. For a long time, my younger self had lots of resentment towards the waiting God made me did and the feeling my parents were a little tougher on me then my younger siblings. I was the oldest of four and my parents at the time were trying to build their business. As for anyone in the beginning, money can be tight. As much as I know my parents wish they could have provided all the financial security for me during the beginning of my hair career. It just wasn't possible at the time. I had to work more then I wanted to, to get where I am today. I would work all day in a salon and then leave to go work the makeup counters at night to balance my money out, until my clientele was built. It was hard working such long hours that I questioned myself quite a few times, if I wanted to even continue trying to be a hairstylist. I also had a time in my life where my marriage was quite tough and the issues that couldn't be resolved fast enough didn't happen like an instant pot.

The thing about an instant pot or anything that is given to you immediately is that the gratification is instant but then it evaporates as fast as it came. The Instant Pot culture were living in will never grant us lasting satisfaction or pleasure.

I think we can all agree that nothing is better than a homemade meal. I can honestly say if I have the choice to go out to dinner or have my mom's homemade food. I will choose my mom's cooking all day long. It's just better. It is the process of the whole meal that makes it better. From the beginning to the end. The grocery list, the meal prep, the cooking and the smells, to the execution of the display on the plate.

Our lives are made to be like your mom's homemade meals or your grandparents that were farmers. There is an undeniable lasting gratitude that happens when you grow or make something from the beginning. Our spirits stretch and grow in ways that something that is made instantaneously cannot do. I look back at those longs days that I worked in the beginning of my hair career and the life I have now, where I have the blessing of balance between mom life and hair life. At the time I didn't know it was a set up for the extra time I needed now to be with my children. My marriage that had a season where it felt like I was in a valley for too long. Grew my marriage into even a stronger bond then we had before and frankly grew me deeper into my faith that a perfect marriage would have not done.

Life is not supposed to be easy and instant. Yes, the waiting and work is hard and can make you question if what you're waiting for or working for is even worth it. However, it is the hard times and things in our lives that will continues to grow our character and who you are as a person. Patience, strength, humility, and wisdom does not come from instant pots.


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