I haven't always enjoyed writing, as most people who know me can affirm. It's only been in recent years that my interest in it has sparked. I'm not sure what triggered it, but it's something I genuinely find joy in doing. Writing has become therapeutic for me, allowing me to express myself in ways I never thought possible.
With the joy that I find from writing, my daily life makes it hard for me to sit down and let me write. Between work demands, taking care of the kids, running adult errands, and the list of other hundred things that need to be done within a 12-hour day, writing tends to fall on the back burner.
Over the Holidays, I took two weeks off from work to be with my kids as they were out of school. The hibernation mode had set in me after being busy with holiday festivities. The downtime allowed my mind to reset, and I felt inspired to write about many things. The break from my regular routine made ideas flows and creativity come easy.
And just as I was feeling connected to the inner writer in me, reality set back in where I was back to the hustle and bustle of life. A few weeks went by and I realized I hadn't written anything, and the ideas that once inspired me to write had suddenly stopped flowing. It felt like a creative drought, and I found myself longing to reclaim that sense of inspiration and connection to my writing. I knew I had to find a way to carve out time in my hectic schedule and create space for my creativity. It was a reminder that writing is not just a hobby, but a part of who I am, and I needed to nurture that part of myself to feel whole.
The realization that the distractions from my busy, fast-paced life has hindered my creativity from flowing freely made me think about the countless individuals out there who are artists, writers, singers, and inventors, yet are getting lost in the shuffle of their daily grind. It's a sobering thought to consider how many brilliant minds and talents might be going unnoticed or unfulfilled due to the demands of a typical 9 to 5 existence.
Realizing, I need time to write in order to feel whole has brought to my attention of mental health issues in today's society. It makes me wonder if many of us are experiencing feelings of sadness, emptiness, and depression simply because we are not having the time anymore to express our thoughts and emotions through activities that bring joy to our spirits. In a fast-paced world where productivity often takes precedence over self-care, it is crucial to prioritize activities that nurture our well-being and provide us with the outlet we need to maintain a healthy state of mind. By recognizing the importance of self-expression and carving out time for activities that bring us happiness, we can take a step towards enhancing our mental health and overall sense of fulfillment.
And in a world that grows increasingly complex, the importance of brilliant minds sharing their wisdom becomes ever more apparent. It is clear that the demands of daily life, the struggle to make ends meet, and the constant busyness can act as barriers preventing the individuals with the insights and knowledge we need from stepping forward.